Soil Guard® BFM (Bonded Fibre Matrix) represents a decisive breakthrough in erosion control technology. The product has been a leader in its class since 1993. Soil Guard® is applied in either one or two stages and is highly cost-effective.
Soil Guard® is a unique and high-quality matrix for the wet seeding process and is erosion protective, time-saving and profitable.
Landscape architects and garden and landscaping companies who use effective erosion protection for their hydroseeding projects can rely upon Soil Guard® to offer economic solutions.
Soil Guard® is sprayed onto the surface via hydroseeding and adapts perfectly to the soil texture. During the brief drying period, the fibres bind into a protective carpet. This can now withstand the weather and the soil and seeds are bound together. Once the vegetation has established itself, Soil Guard® slowly degrades and enriches the soil. The patented composition is non-toxic and biodegradable meaning it is also environmentally friendly.
Soil Guard® is yellow, which facilitates correct dosing and even application. It also allows you to see immediately which areas have been covered with the product. |
This 40x zoomed image shows the structure of the long Soil Guard® fibres, which bind the soil and seeds. |
A better erosion prevention system: |
Effective protection, applied in one or two stages Soil Guard® adapts well and binds to the surface structure without requiring any special ground preparation.
Better germination Binds the seeds and soil conditioners and is translucent and permeable to moisture, promoting germination.
Economic application - Soil Guard® is user-friendly and free from the extensive costs and labour associated with conventional methods. The product can also be used for difficult surfaces that are hard or even impossible to protect with costly protective measures such as geotextile. - The organic binder is already integrated, eliminating unnecessary dosing and mixing on site.
Reduction of erosion and surface run-off - In a short time, the fibres bind together into a protective carpet, significantly reducing the effects of strong rain. The moisture is gradually transferred to the soil without a loss of adhesion. - Prevents erosion as seen with traditional geotextiles.
Biodegradable Non-toxic and biodegradable, Soil Guard® contains wood fibres, organic binder as well as organic and inorganic soil activators. Eliminates the use of nets for erosion protection, which are dangerous to animals. |
Choose Soil Guard® in the following situations: |
Ground preparation is difficult or even impossible owing to steep terrain and ground condition. Circumstances caused by weather or organisational factors, that require fast protection and rapid vegetation growth.
Steep slopes that require long-term reinforced protection against erosion.
The ground is in a nature reserve or near a residential area.
Cost-effectiveness, rapid implementation, results and quality are important. |
Composition: |
Long, thermally-treated wood fibres Organic binder Cross linker Green colouring Minimum water storage capacity |
> 88 ± 1% < 9 ± 1% 2 ± 1% 1% 1000% |
Dosage: |
The quantity of Soil Guard® is determined by the gradient, condition of the slope, the soil texture, weather conditions and seeds. Average usage is 110 to 220 bales per hectare. For project-specific calculations, please contact us. |
Packaging: |
Bales of 22.7 kg, on pallets with 36 to 40 units |
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